الأحد، 18 مارس 2012

Not very far than them group of girls where sitting and enjoying there time. "k….." rise his phone and took a photo to this poor girl and he walk beside her and he told her open your Bluetooth. The girl were surprised and  he told her I am talking seriously. The girl opened it. I cant believe my eyes!!!  how it cant be??? How? When? Why? These thought were in her mind. She left her friends and went home. She locked the door to her self. She cries all the night. After one week her phone rang "who is this ? it is strange number" she said. She didn’t answer. Her phone show that message is received she opened it "if you didn’t answer your photo will be in everyone s phone" this was the message. He call again and she answer he said I want to meet you I will pick you tomorrow at 11:30 at …. And he told her the place. The next day she didn’t leave her room her face was swollen because she was crying all the night. At 11:25 she wear the Abaya and she went to that place. He was  well dress. She beg him to let her go but he laugh and continue his way. He took her to old house and he rap her honor and he left her body without essence. He returned  her to the house and she went directly to her room and wash her body as if the water will wash what she did. They went out once a week she started to feel daisy and apathy and she couldn't eat anything. One day she wake up and she fall down her father took her to the hospital and there they discover that she is pregnant. The father died in that moment. The hospital call her house and inform them that there father died. When the brother reached the hospital they new that there sister were pregnant. They new the person and they force him to marry her. This is the result of this mistake. There life were like the hill every day new problem because there is no trust.at the end he divorce her and young baby was raised without father.


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